Our Services
Baptism has been a Christian symbol since the time of Jesus (Matthew 3:1-6). It involves applying water to Christians to symbolize their death to the old way of life (Romans 6:3-4) and their new life God provides (Galatians 3:26-27). Baptism, a sacramental "means of grace," seals one's intention to follow God (Acts 2:37-41, 8:35-39, 10:44-48). The Bible never defines how much water was applied or how. Therefore, the Church of the Nazarene considers immersion, sprinkling, and pouring all to be acceptable methods of baptism.
Nazarenes also understand baptism to be a symbol of the new relationship God establishes with His people. Because of this, some Nazarenes choose to have their young children baptized as a symbol of their intention to raise their children in God's Church and their hope to see that their children choose God's ways when they are older.
If you would like to be baptized, please complete the form below. We usually conduct baptisms in our Banquet Hall pool on a bi-monthly basis.
Nazarenes also understand baptism to be a symbol of the new relationship God establishes with His people. Because of this, some Nazarenes choose to have their young children baptized as a symbol of their intention to raise their children in God's Church and their hope to see that their children choose God's ways when they are older.
If you would like to be baptized, please complete the form below. We usually conduct baptisms in our Banquet Hall pool on a bi-monthly basis.
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! There is nothing more beautiful than a couple making a public declaration of lifelong commitment to love each other, no matter what the future holds (Ruth 1:16-17). The marriage ceremony gives you a new legal status as husband and wife and a new stability within which your relationship can flourish and grow. Christians believe that marriage offers the right place for the fulfilment of our sexuality and that it provides a stable and secure environment for bringing up children. The Bible makes a big deal about marriage, comparing the love between a husband and wife with the love Jesus has for his church (Ephesians 5). In fact, Jesus performed his very first miracle at a wedding (John 2:1-11).
As you enter into marriage, we advise you do it reverently, deliberately, and according to God’s will. Every couple planning on getting married at CWC is required to attend premarital counseling sessions with our pastor. This is to ensure that both parties fully understand and accept the tremendous accountability and responsibility that comes with marriage. Nazarenes believe that marriage is a sacred request for God’s blessing upon a covenant freely undertaken by a couple for their lifetime (Mark 10:6-9).
To begin the process of possibly scheduling a wedding at our church, please complete our application below.
As you enter into marriage, we advise you do it reverently, deliberately, and according to God’s will. Every couple planning on getting married at CWC is required to attend premarital counseling sessions with our pastor. This is to ensure that both parties fully understand and accept the tremendous accountability and responsibility that comes with marriage. Nazarenes believe that marriage is a sacred request for God’s blessing upon a covenant freely undertaken by a couple for their lifetime (Mark 10:6-9).
To begin the process of possibly scheduling a wedding at our church, please complete our application below.
Congratulations on your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! Child dedication is a public commitment you make before God, your church, and your family. The dedication service provides you, the parent(s), an opportunity to express publically your desire to lead and spiritually nurture your child in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, so your child will develop a desire to love God and love others. Our church encourages all parents to dedicate their children based on scriptural teachings. The scriptural root of a child dedication is found in where a godly woman named Hannah prayed year after year for God to give her a child. He answered her prayer and she gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel (1 Samuel 1:27–28). In the New Testament, following the birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph took the infant Jesus to the temple and dedicated Him (Luke 2).
Our church is eager to assist you in this precious matter. Dedication ceremonies are usually conducted on the 4th Sunday of each month.
During that particular morning worship service, one pew will be reserved for each family having a baby dedicated. At the appropriate time in the worship service, the Pastor will invite parents, godparents and the child being dedicated to come to the front of the sanctuary to begin the Child Dedication Ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, a Certificate of Dedication will be provided to the parents.
Due to the spiritual nature of the questions asked during the Baby Dedication Ceremony, it is helpful for the Elder to understand the marital and living situation of both parents. Therefore, an appointment with Pastor Gillett or another Church Elder is essential. Such a meeting is also a time to discuss the meaning of this event, and how a child dedication is different than an infant baptism. Once your application is received in the office, the Elder scheduled for the available month of your baby’s dedication will call you to schedule an appointment with you. After a face-to-face meeting with one of these Elders, a date for the dedication will be confirmed.
If you would like for your child to be dedicated, please complete the form below. There is no age limit for dedication (babies and kids are welcome) however in the case of newborns, we advise holding off on the ceremony until your child has had their first vaccinations (around 2-3 months).
Our church is eager to assist you in this precious matter. Dedication ceremonies are usually conducted on the 4th Sunday of each month.
During that particular morning worship service, one pew will be reserved for each family having a baby dedicated. At the appropriate time in the worship service, the Pastor will invite parents, godparents and the child being dedicated to come to the front of the sanctuary to begin the Child Dedication Ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, a Certificate of Dedication will be provided to the parents.
Due to the spiritual nature of the questions asked during the Baby Dedication Ceremony, it is helpful for the Elder to understand the marital and living situation of both parents. Therefore, an appointment with Pastor Gillett or another Church Elder is essential. Such a meeting is also a time to discuss the meaning of this event, and how a child dedication is different than an infant baptism. Once your application is received in the office, the Elder scheduled for the available month of your baby’s dedication will call you to schedule an appointment with you. After a face-to-face meeting with one of these Elders, a date for the dedication will be confirmed.
If you would like for your child to be dedicated, please complete the form below. There is no age limit for dedication (babies and kids are welcome) however in the case of newborns, we advise holding off on the ceremony until your child has had their first vaccinations (around 2-3 months).
Of all life's experiences, the death of a loved one is often the most painful and challenging that anyone can go through. Community Worship Center sincerely understands the pain endured by your loss. Our pastor, ministers, and care staff will assist you in planning the funeral service of your loved one. We will provide comfort, direction and support from the initial death notification through the funeral service and grief counseling if needed.
Upon the death of a loved one, a pastor of the church should be notified as soon as possible. Our pastors also desire to know of those who need comfort and counsel as they face death. By being involved early in situations of death or impending death, the pastor can help you with the necessary decisions regarding service arrangements, as well as caring for the spiritual needs of those involved. Our prayer is that the information we provide will stimulate your thinking and assist you in preparing for your loved one’s home-going celebration service.
To contact a pastor, call the church office at (718) 857-2364.
Upon the death of a loved one, a pastor of the church should be notified as soon as possible. Our pastors also desire to know of those who need comfort and counsel as they face death. By being involved early in situations of death or impending death, the pastor can help you with the necessary decisions regarding service arrangements, as well as caring for the spiritual needs of those involved. Our prayer is that the information we provide will stimulate your thinking and assist you in preparing for your loved one’s home-going celebration service.
To contact a pastor, call the church office at (718) 857-2364.
The CWC Counseling Ministry serves the body of believers by providing biblically-based, Christ-centered counseling in all areas of Christian life. PLEASE BE ADVISED: As church counselors we are not professionals, licensed psychologists or psychiatrists. We simply offer Christian counseling based on the Word of God, and an opportunity for prayer led by the Holy Spirit.
We offer a wide variety of services, including but not limited to the following:
Applying for counseling
We offer a wide variety of services, including but not limited to the following:
- Individual counseling
- Couples counseling (pre-marital & marital)
- Family counseling
- Grief counseling
- Group counseling
- Career and financial counseling
Applying for counseling
- Counseling applications can be picked up on Sundays between services and on Tuesdays before services.
- Applications are available at the Information Table in the Main lobby.
- Counseling appointments will only be arranged if your application can be accommodated and you are assigned a counselor.
- Completed applications must be dropped into the “Counseling Application Receiving Box” located on the left side of the Short-term Missions/Prayer Request box in the Main lobby.